The organizations of the Bloor St. Culture Corridor are the Bloor St. Culture Corridor. The Bloor St. Culture Corridor is a consortium of cultural organizations located on Bloor St. West (or within 2 blocks north/south), between Bathurst and Yonge Streets. The organizations work as a collective in order to benefit the whole group. There is no separate administrative association or organization. Each organization contributes time, effort, and expertise, based on interest and availability, for the benefit of all.

  • Every BCC organization is equal in the consortium.
  • Every organization has something unique to offer others and the collective whole.
  • Projects and initiatives are to benefit each of our organizations and the collective whole.

There are no full time paid employees. Bloor St. Culture Corridor overall coordination and administration is managed by Heather Kelly at The Royal Conservatory of Music. BCC communications are managed by Tim Crouch at Soundstreams. A complete list of Leadership Council members, Project Chairs/Co‐Chairs, and collaboration leaders, can be found at

No, the Bloor St. Culture Corridor does not have an office. Projects and groups are coordinated by various BCC people from their own organization’s workspaces.

The Leadership Council meets quarterly. Our Programmers, Curators and Artistic Directors meet in person twice per year and have a #Slack group to propose programming partnership opportunities any time. Leaders of The Awesomeness Initiative meet quarterly. Project team members meet as needed.

The BCC is an extraordinary model of culture district ‐ as we are a consortium and not a separate incorporated non‐profit organization. It was created by the existing arts and culture organizations themselves. It was not created by a city and is not funded by the city at all (or any level of government, currently). Unfortunately, the Bloor St. Culture Corridor does not fit most government funders guidelines. We believe that new funding in Toronto and Canada is needed for operational support for this unique model of partnership, sector development, cultural cluster, and public district.

When government funding is obtained, one BCC organization is the lead applicant on behalf of all Bloor St. Culture Corridor partner organizations. Currently, each Bloor St. Culture Corridor contributes an annual cost‐sharing fee. This only covers communications costs (the website, brochure, emails, street banners, social media, and email communications).

The Bloor St Culture Corridor promotes 250+ events every month that are presented by our consortium organizations. To have events promoted by the BCC, an organization must be part of the consortium or arrange an equal‐value marketing exchange.

The Bloor St. Culture Corridor is a consortium of partner organizations who all contribute time as well as finances. Each organization is expected to both contribute to, and benefit from, the partnership and being part of the network.

If you and your organization are interested in discussing further, please contact us at

Though we discuss this idea regularly, the Bloor St. Culture Corridor does not currently have a passport program. It’s a tricky thing to organize the logistics and manage the details equitably between 22 organizations, with 22 different ticketing systems, operational structures, with some organizations being seasonal, and many being free and open all the time. If you have a proposal for how it could work, and are interested in coordinating it, please let us know!

What is the main activity of the Bloor Street Culture Corridor?

We focus on:
  1. Promoting and developing our culture district area, and attracting people to each of the more than 250+ arts and culture events taking place at BCC organizations every month, year‐round.
  2. Creating professional relationship, partnership, collaboration, and network development opportunities for people at our organizations.