Concealed/Revealed - Pre-Purim Creativity & Conversation
LGBTQ+ at the J invites our community to Concealing/Revealing: Pre-Purim Creativity & Conversation.
Join us on Thursday March 2 from 7:00 - 9:00 pm as we spend the evening crafting, creating, snacking, and chatting. We will explore the themes of what is left hidden and what is revealed to us, both in the Purim story and our own lives. This event is free of cost and no prior knowledge about the holiday of Purim is expected.
We ask that folks who are not feeling well stay home and encourage attendees to wear masks whenever you are not eating. Supplies will be provided, but feel free to bring any extra special decorations, markers, poems, or texts that you are feeling inspired by.
We are committed to ensuring our programming is accessible to anybody who wishes to attend. Please email with any accessibility questions or requests and we will work together to find ways for you to join us. This event is designed and intended for members of the LGBTQ+ Jewish community, whatever that means to you.