FREE Public Guided Tours at ROM
From towering dinosaur skeletons to awe-inspiring contemporary paintings, ROM is home to more than 13.5 million artworks, artifacts, and specimens from around the world and across the ages. So, it should be no surprise ROM is also the most visited museum in Canada.
Don't miss our FREE* 45-minute English and French tours. Tours start at the hour from 11am to 2pm daily.
*FREE with General Admission
Tour Descriptions
Museum Highlights Explore the wonders of ROM. In a 45-minute tour that brings iconic objects to life, you’ll enjoy highlights of arts, culture and nature… throughout the world and throughout time.
Descriptions des visites
Les trésors du musée Explorez les merveilles du ROM. La visite donne vie à des objets emblématiques à la croisée de l’art, de la culture et de la nature et ce à travers le monde et à travers le temps. Elle vous donnera aussi une bonne idée de l’ampleur des collections du musée.